I'm excited. I'm not even 6 months in and there is a waiting list. People are out there wanting me to draw their beautiful, precious fur-babies. What an honour and what a responsibility! What am I like?!!! I'm giving it my all and enjoying every minute of it. I can't believe that this time last year I didn't know the joy of drawing, painting, experimenting and really breaking out of my paralysis of "Crap! what is the difference between a 2B and a 2H, wahhhhhhh difference must be so big I can't draw......
I am truly looking forward to what 2013 brings on all levels. 2012 was a stellar year for me. I took many leaps of faith with skills I had within but didn't acknowledge, use or even recognise. I became unemployed (but thankfully found part-time work to tide me over), I looked inside, I found art, I resurrected my yoga, I published a book and most of all I listened to me. It was one of the best years out ever. I thoroughly recommend taking a year out from your 'regular life' and just listening to what is inside YOU. We are all here because I found art. No, really you are only reading this far because you are most likely waiting for me to slot a picture in somewhere soon :-) Ahhhh go on!!! I know you!!! ;
My rendition of Lucy in the Sky with Diamondssssssss |
I started my learning curve with paper. This almost had me running the other way!!! Seriously though, art or paper for art is like learning a new language. until you realize that all these lofty sounding names are actually brand names rather than a type of or kind of paper. Strathmore?...... name only! ......and there was me imagining it was a British paper made in the tiniest heirloom village of the British lake district by the 7th generation son who had learned the trade from his ailing grandfather who........ bleh di bleh bleh bleh..... NO! Strathmore is just good paper that is available in good art shops.... bah dah boooom!! They have a large variety within the brand, which most definitely can be confusing to the non-paper "knower", but what I have used, is just wonderful paper, period.
I can say wonderful paper because I use it. I do trial runs when I get commissions. For those trial runs I use cheap stuff as in cheap paper. Then for the ordering client I move to the 'good stuff' as in good paper. Chalk and cheese, as in the very difference differences are made of. Chalk, dry by nature, cheese the very opposite, fatty. Here is a Pug-sicle I did as practice on the cheap paper. It looks no different than what is done on the good paper BUT, and here is the big thing, it is that aforementioned chalk and cheese to draw on. This paper disintegrates with an eraser nearby. Truly, it is that weak. Wait until I tell you about pencils! you'll never look at them the same again!
Trial run |